Nearly a quarter of consumers aged 13-24 have engaged with AI-produced tracks.
How people will respond to AI-generated content is one of the questions of our age.
A study conducted by the renowned research organisation GfK, on behalf of the umbrella group STOMP, has unveiled interesting insights into the listening habits of Dutch consumers regarding AI-generated music. In headline terms, this content is finding an audience.
According to the study’s results, approximately one in ten Dutch consumers has listened to music created through AI technology. The allure of AI music seems to be particularly strong among the younger generations. Within the 13-24 age bracket, nearly a quarter, constituting 24%, have streamed or listened to AI-produced tracks. This interest tapers off slightly with age, as 17% of those aged 25-34 have experienced AI music. The percentages dip further for age groups 35-49, 50-64, and those over 65, with 12%, 7%, and 3% respectively reporting having engaged with AI music.
Additionally, the study explored the correlation between education level and the propensity to listen to AI-created music. Notably, individuals who have attained a high level of education appear more receptive to AI music, with 14% having indulged in it. Conversely, the figures for those with low and medium educational backgrounds stand at 6% and 8% respectively.
The preference for knowing the origins of music was a significant finding of the study, with six in ten Dutch consumers expressing the importance of understanding whether a piece of music is created by AI or involves human artists. This insight highlights the nuanced perspectives within the audience, reflecting their desire for transparency in artistic production.
Interestingly, among those who have already ventured into the world of AI music, 22% expressed a willingness to attend live performances by an AI-powered artist. This contrasts sharply with just 2% of individuals who have not previously listened to AI music, indicating a potential niche market for live AI music performances.
Overall, the study underscores a growing interest and acceptance of AI-generated music among Dutch consumers, particularly the younger and more educated demographics. This trend hints at a transformative phase in the music industry, driven by technological advancements and shifting listener preferences.
Source: Noah Wire Services